Kay H. Horton is the Owner and President of Crossroads Environmental, LLC. She has been accredited in South Carolina and North Carolina since 2000 as an Inspector, Management Planner, Project Designer, and Air Monitor, and performs all of the duties for which she is accredited on a regular basis. She is also a Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant with experience in Indoor Air Quality Investigations, Protocol Design, and Project Management for mold remediation, an EPA Certified Lead Inspector and Risk Assessor, and is experienced in performing a wide array of Industrial Hygiene Monitoring. Kay served as Vice President of the Carolinas Environmental Information Association
( www.carolinaseia.org ) in 2011.
Prior to the incorporation of Crossroads, Kay was employed by AAA Environmental, where she attained AIHA accreditation for their Polarized Light Microscopy Lab (for bulk asbestos analysis), and then managed the Consulting Department from 2002-2008. During her time at AAA, she managed numerous renovation and demolition projects which involved assessing the building for hazardous materials, preparing specifications for abatement, and managing the project. Kay has a B.S. Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Biology and Health Science) from the University of South Carolina-Upstate.